PinnedPublished inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsYo, Pope Frankie, Happy Birthday!Pope Francis’ Excellent Adventure — A Vatican Christmas StoryDec 18, 2022Dec 18, 2022
PinnedI am a Radical Feminist, Not the Fun Kind — Andrea DworkinMen are killing Women so they do not have to pay child support or face their parents.Oct 18, 20241Oct 18, 20241
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsI am Older than DirtOld People sometimes have seizures. I am having trouble communicating thereby off and on. I love and miss some people here.Dec 23, 20241Dec 23, 20241
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsHistory is Your Friend — CONGRESSWe need the Perp Walk(s).Nov 24, 20241Nov 24, 20241
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsTrump in HellThis dog is one of a series of doggerel poems. The working title is Saga of Bonespurs the Brave. Come home to reality, GOP. Back to simple…Apr 21, 20242Apr 21, 20242
Published inBouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOOThought for Today (sic)PabloDali • Religious bigots Will Richard are they like atheist bigots? lol PabloDali Much worse Cherry The Tart Yeah because…Apr 7, 20241Apr 7, 20241
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsNew Play in VerseWorking title: Saga of Bonespur’s the BraveMar 18, 20242Mar 18, 20242