InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieI am Older than DirtOld People sometimes have seizures. I am having trouble communicating thereby off and on. I love and miss some people here.Dec 23, 20241Dec 23, 20241
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieDAWGS IN HELLHat tip to Baha MenFeb 12, 20242Feb 12, 20242
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieHometown HeroYippee Yi Yo! Political Shorts #10Oct 6, 20231Oct 6, 20231
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieQuisling in Pennsylvania USABattle for the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021Jan 17, 20242Jan 17, 20242
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieWherein I Finish the Unfinished DogCatch you later, EscalatorOct 11, 20222Oct 11, 20222
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieHunter Biden Has a Penis…and he uses it.Dec 16, 20236Dec 16, 20236
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieSong of the Frightened StaffersThe Fowl GangJan 3, 20232Jan 3, 20232
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieMint Julep Appassionata-Commemorating Lindsey Graham’s Response to Testimony by Christine Blasey Ford-Jan 4, 20232Jan 4, 20232
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieMean GirlsI accuse myself of a bit of hypocrisy. How so? Margarine Taylor Ham and Lauren BOOBert are engaged in a mean girl fight on the House of…Nov 13, 20234Nov 13, 20234
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieWas It Good for You Too, Honey?“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” ― Harry S. TrumanNov 25, 20232Nov 25, 20232
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieTime Flies When One Is Having FunThe Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. ‘Off with his head!’ she said, without even looking around. —…Oct 19, 20232Oct 19, 20232
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ PoemsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieLove is the Answer“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” Martin Luther King, Jr.Jan 16, 20236Jan 16, 20236
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsbyMary Ann de Angelis aka Cherry PieMarge is Mad as a Wet HenThe Fowl GangAug 10, 20226Aug 10, 20226